“The Artistic Legacy of Ali Omar Ermes: Five Decades of Exhibitions and Creativity" is a captivating episode that offers a glimpse into the storied career of Ali Omar Ermes. With over five decades of experience and over 70 solo and group exhibitions to his name, Ermes has truly left a mark on the world of art.
In this episode, you will see examples of Ermes's artwork, posters, and material produced for some of his exhibitions, as well as hear about his experiences exhibiting his work around the world in countries such as the USA, Russia, South Korea, Australia, and the Middle East.
From his first exhibition in his home country of Libya at the Tripoli International Fair in 1965, to his first international solo exhibition at the Plymouth Art Museum in 1969, Ermes's journey as an artist is truly inspiring. This episode is a must-see for anyone interested in the world of art and the ways in which it can inspire and engage us.
In Ali Omar Ermes' artwork, the concept of Silah, or connection, charity, and goodwill, is explored through the inclusion of poetry from some of the greatest classical Arabic poets, including Zuhair ibn Abi Sulma, Urwah ebnul Warrd, Ali ebn Abi Talib, and Ali ebn Al Rumi. These poets wrote about the necessity of giving charity to the right causes and how this serves as one of Islam's fundamental aims in creating a kinder society.