Ghullab: A Reflection on Trials, Movement, and the Quest for Knowledge
"Ghullab: A Reflection on Trials, Movement, and the Quest for Knowledge" is a stunning artwork created in 1998 that invites the viewer to contemplate the trials of the visible and the invisible, the interplay between color and space, and the relationship between the immediate and the non-immediate.
Featuring various poetic and prose texts, this artwork touches on themes of knowledge, enlightenment, and the pursuit of inner richness. One of these texts, a quote by Ibn Sina, speaks to the idea that through knowledge, people can rise to the highest positions. Another text, written by the artist himself, suggests that the true aim of life is a rich and fulfilled soul, and that the mercy and grace of God provide an anchor in both the beginning and the end.
Overall, "Ghullab" is a thought-provoking and visually striking artwork that invites the viewer to reflect on the deeper meaning of life and the role of knowledge in our quest for fulfillment. Created with acrylic and ink on art paper, this piece measures approximately 113cm x 100cm and is sure to impress with its vibrant colors and powerful message.
إسم العمل الفني غلّب .
يصاحب هذا العمل عدة نصوص شعرية ونثرية كلآتي:
من قول إبن سينا حول إلهام المعرفة :
هجعت وقد كشف الغطاء فأبصرت ما ليس يدرك بالعيون الهجّع
وبدت تغرّد فوق ذروة شاهق والعلم يرفع كلّ من لم يرفع .
كما أضع من جهتي بعض المعاني لتوصيف بعض من معطيات العمل الفني :
في شيء من رحابة الفكر، وإمان العقل، واطمئنان القلب ، في كل ذلك الغنى الآمن ، ورحمة الخالق المرجع الأساس.
وهي بكل ذلك ، تجارب على الظاهر والخفي ، من الحركة والسكون ، ومن اللون والمساحة، وبين المباشر وغير المباشر.
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